torsdag 5 maj 2011

Säg det i toner #5-9 - KoC

De bästa Kings of Convenience-texterna har ett tungt men mjukt täcke av melankoli, stillhet och längtan över sig.
24 and blooming like the fields of May / 25 and yearning for a ticket out / dreams burn, but in ashes are gold

24-25 (2009)
Lyssna i Spotify

there are very many things I would like to say to you / but I've lost my way / and I've lost my words / there are very many places I would like to go, but I can't find the key to open my door / the weight of my words / you can't feel it anymore. / there are very many ways I would like to break the spell you've cast upon me / because all the time I sacrificed myself to make you want me / has made you haunt me

The weight of my words (2001)
Lyssna i Spotify

I wanted a mystery that couldn't be solved / I wanted a puzzle with pieces missing / I wanted a story that couldn't be told / only the fishing part of fishing

Singing softly to me (2001)
Lyssna i Spotify

the wind is in your hair / it's covering my view / I'm holding on to you / on a bike we've hired until tomorrow. / if only they could see / if only they had been here / they would understand how someone could have chosen to go the length I've gone to spend just one riding / holding on to you / I never thought it would be this clear

Cayman Islands (2004)
Lyssna på Youtube

à cause de toi, je suis faible comme dans un rêve de la douceur de mon avenir avec toi

Parr-à-pluie (2000)
Lyssna på Youtube

En stor del av Eiriks och Erlends musik och texter har betytt mycket för mig sedan jag först hörde I'd rather dance with you på P3 2004. Jag har dock inte så mycket att säga om det - det är en känsla som är svår att beskriva - men citatet ovan från Singing softly to me berättar nog mer om mig än någon annat textstycke som jag känner till.

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